Next the second Tuesday. They talked about feeling sorry for yourself. I feel Morrie is an optimist after I read the book. He felt he was lucky than others. I am pride of him with that, and he has a patient heart. Sometimes I feel sorry for myself. I think maybe I am one of the poorest in the world. If I return to in the past and meet Morrie. I will feel shame for me, I am a normal person. I don’t have any disease or any pain. But I think I am the poorest person in the world, it is really silly to me. I can’t do that. I have to learn something from Morrie. Feel lucky to myself rather than feel poor to myself. Be concerned with others, maybe they need someone’s help. Even if, you don’t have ability to help them. But keep consideration for people who need someone’s help. Just do that, and don’t waste any time.

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