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  • May 18 Thu 2006 20:44
  • 星座


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全球旅遊行事曆 1月~3月

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尼斯最有名的地標之一 ,巴洛克式的安康聖母教堂,由上百萬枝木樁撐托住 是1630年感念黑死病結束所蓋 外面是大運河的終點,搭平底船gondola的日本觀光客很多 由安康聖母教堂一旁的海關大樓出去,就是瀉湖 雅得里亞海 小廣場左邊是總督府, 廣場中央立著兩根高柱,上面是威尼斯的代表---飛獅 總督府(道奇宮)內的精緻雕塑及展覽品 ,非常值得一看 穿條紋上衣的船夫,儘量製造羅曼蒂克氣氛 .當然越羅曼蒂克就越貴了

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Next the second Tuesday. They talked about feeling sorry for yourself. I feel Morrie is an optimist after I read the book. He felt he was lucky than others. I am pride of him with that, and he has a patient heart. Sometimes I feel sorry for myself. I think maybe I am one of the poorest in the world. If I return to in the past and meet Morrie. I will feel shame for me, I am a normal person. I don’t have any disease or any pain. But I think I am the poorest person in the world, it is really silly to me. I can’t do that. I have to learn something from Morrie. Feel lucky to myself rather than feel poor to myself. Be concerned with others, maybe they need someone’s help. Even if, you don’t have ability to help them. But keep consideration for people who need someone’s help. Just do that, and don’t waste any time.

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I come to start the first Tuesday. They talked about the world. “Have to look at life uniquely. Let’s face it.” Morrie also kept up with the news, and he felt those innocent victims who suffer anguish. The writer said he never feel sad for stranger, but Morrie felt sad for the suffering of people half a world away. I am afraid of death too, but after read the book. I think I should be done more meaning things rather than think meaninglessness things. Because I don’t have a fatal disease like Morrie. I have a happy family, and also have good friends. Maybe I am not a rich woman, but a happy family and good friends which can not buy by money. “The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.” it also have meaningful to me. Don’t always jaw with people. We should be more patient to treat others. And accept people’s opinion.

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“Accept what you are able to do and what you are not able to do “; “Accept the past as past, without denying it or discarding it”; ”Learn to forgive yourself and to forgive others”; “Don’t assume that it’s too late to get involved.” All of these sentences were written by Morrie. I think these are very meaningful to everyone. “I want to live…”, the sentence let me know how Morrie’s life strongly. I think this book should let the patient to see. Let them realize the life is so meaningful. And the story start focus on Morrie. The writer noted down the dialogue between he and Morrie.
I start pay attention to the sentences by Morrie said. These sentences are very useful to life. A person who will die can face death besides alive person. We should be the meaningful things rather than only waste time. I think I have to settle my target immediately

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The writer felt sad for his favorite uncle died. And I feel sad about his uncle said he wouldn’t be around to see his son into the next school year. It is melting to me. If one person maybe he or she is my family or friend died, I will feel sad for them. In fact, I have a friend when we were junior high school students. But I heard the news from other friends that she was died from an accident. The news was so shake quickly that I couldn’t believe that. At first, I thought it was kidding.
But it was true. It’s so pity that she was so young. They let me know how the life is so valuable. Don’t let people who love you to worry about you. By the writer’s uncle died, the writer change his life. He felt time were suddenly precious. I like the sentence by writer said” I could squeeze in every last piece of happiness before I got sick and died.” Everyone will die in future, but no one know that when will die.

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I admire him who had courage to face the death.
He made death a project, and had discussion with some people about what it really meant. I like a sentence by Morrie said that ”dying” was not synonymous with “useless”. I think if people have courage to face the death, and do what they want to do. I think it is very meaningful. I have never seen that “living funeral.” It is so newfangled. By this “living funeral”, he can listen to all the words from everyone.

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This is my first time to read the book, and the writer " Mitch" who writes the book about his professor's life. The writer tells about his professor's some interesting things. I am interested in the professor's class. Because the class is free style. Don't need books and no test, and just talk something with the professor. But it only had fourteenth class before Morrie passed away. I scan the book when I read it at the first time. However, when I read to Morrie had a fatal disease. I read it in detail. From Morrie walked difficultly to he knew the disease. I feel sad for him. I think if the person knows he or she gets the fatal disease, they will be depressed. But, Morrie didn't do that. He faced the death and did not want to waste any time.

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  • Mar 09 Thu 2006 12:59
  • 快樂


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﹋ 幸福,離我們很近 ﹋

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<�轉> ~了解我才愛上我~

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